Come and join our dedicated group and share their wealth of experience
All ages and levels of ability welcome
​Currently Inactive
Every Saturday morning between 10.00am. and 11.00am.
Great fun and great exercise for all ages
This long established club have enjoyed many successes over the years
Always in search of new membership so come along and join us
Those more senior members of our local community join in with this group who enjoy freindly gatherings
Planned this year are many talks and vists culminating in the annual Christmas dinner
Our daily Pre-School run by Amanda with a team of qualified staff. Always available to welcome new tots upto school starter age
See below for Our regular user groups and how to join them
Sunday worship with the
Redeemed Christian Church
of God
Little Waltham Memorial Hall
NOTE:- We are NOT taking bookings for PRIVATE HIRE at the moment
Wonderful productions by
Little Waltham Drama Group
regular shows and Pantomines
Always a great atmosphere
for all ages
Annual General Meeting
held - July 2023
report to follow
We are a
We look forward to seeing you !